Beautiful Horizontally Centered Menus/Tabs/List. No CSS hacks. Full cross-browser.

From the blog:

Beautiful Horizontally Centered Menus/Tabs/List. No CSS hacks. Full cross-browser.

A lot of people want centered menus on their website but for the CSS novice this task seems impossible. If you do a search online you will find a few centering methods but most of these rely on CSS hacks, JavaScript or non-standard CSS rules that are not supported by all browsers (display:inline-block; is an example). In this post I’m going to show you my secret method of achieving centered tabs that does not use any CSS hacks and will work in all the common web browsers. It is also compatible with my perfect liquid layouts. Let’s start with a basic example then I’ll explain how it works.

~ by WPA Staff on March 23, 2010.

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